Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cart Software and Your Customers

It is amazing how cart software has developed based on the real physical shopping carts that were actually invented by Sylvan Goldman back in 1937 when they faced the problem how to get people to buy more physical items in super markets and other shops. In the online world there is actually no physical goods to be moved around; however cart software created a solution to the problem of how to keep customers focused on the buying process once they are engaged in such activity on a website.

Shopping cart abandonment on websites comes simply from people being distracted while they are on the Internet. So while surrounding aspects like "dinner is ready", "the postman is delivering a package right now" and as simple as the computer just crashed and needs to be restarted again are often a reason for people not completing their shopping - those factors are not to be controlled.

However good cart software can control other aspects of the shopping process. It can ensure that your potential buyer, who has made up their mind to make a purcase on your site, completes the purchase without errors and the consumer is left confident that the goods will arrive.

In fact the best carts are the ones that enable the consumer to leave the checkout process, log off their account or add further products to their shopping cart without losing data. Take sites like amazon where people arrive actually for a specific book and end up buying other books from the same author or even fan articles like t-shirts or other merchandise.

Good cart software will enable you to link products as recommended or customers also purchased to improve your sales process. No customer actually acts in logical ways and is often jumping around, and even leaving the website for several hours to come back. Cart software that uses cookies to store information for the customer makes it easier for them to leave and come back on their own terms - without the need to re-input their details and start all over again.

The more cart software actually helps the laziness of a customer the better. One click solutions and no need to fill in payment information over and over are a big advantage. And of course you should have to use a https:// certification that people feel that it is secure to leave their personal payment information with your company in the first place. Often cart software solutions come in packages when you buy such secure certificates along with hosting to run them.

While we can surely not cover all aspects here in this article it is a smart idea to compare different cart software and what additional matching website services a company offers to save yourself time and hassle to make different providers work together where one solution could do it all.

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