Do you know your potential marketing group or target audience? As an Internet marketer, targeting the right buyer persona must be a determining factor in your online marketing program. It is essential to know your potential buyers as every aspect of your online business is impacted by the buyer persona. Create an image or mental picture of your target audience. What do they do for a living? What are their hobbies, interests, and daily activities? Are they readers, writers, or good listeners? Where do they live?
These and other pertinent questions will guide you in creating and selecting the right content for your site or blog readership. Knowing what people like or what they are looking for, goes even much further than just impacting the content of your site. The development and design of your website or blog should also be sensitive to the buyer persona. It may even mean a redesign of your site. Identifying buyer personas will define the design! Persona not only directs site design and content, it also will guide setting-up your product promotion strategies.
Product promotion is one of the big four "P's" of online marketing success and knowing and understanding the make-up of potential customers is crucial to both above the line and below the line marketing techniques to be used. If the buyer persona reflects a higher educated readership, below the line more subtle promotions can be used. If the persona is more in tune with the general populace, above the line, more media oriented, promotions might be a better choice. Marketing strategies must be persona specific to optimize marketing success. In summary, the role of persona in Internet marketing is so important. It must impact site design, site content and site promotion for marketers to get and maintain their share of a targeted marketing arena.
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